Home :: Wheelchair Wheels, Tires, Tubes & Parts :: Wheelchair Tires :: Schwalbe Wheelchair Tires :: Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair tires 24", 25", 26" x 1" (25-540, 559, 590) pair

Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair tires 24", 25", 26" x 1" (25-540, 559, 590) pair

Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair tires 24", 25", 26" x 1" (25-540, 559, 590) pair
(50 reviews)  

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The Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tire has been top-ranked as part of the absolute greatest wheelchair tire list for the whole market.


Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tires operate at 145psi and employ SmartGuard. SmartGuard is a “Flat-less” tire technology that protects Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tire liners from punctures while offering new levels of comfort and superior rollability among pneumatic tires. Now, you can safely navigate through dangerous obstacles like broken glass and count on Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tires to stay strong. Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tires are user friendly with 2 grip smooth sidewalls and compatibility with standard tubes. We would also like to introduce Black’n’Roll - SCHWALBE's own revolutionary compound that lets you to wheel these black tires across indoor floor without leaving skid-marks.



  • 145psi
  • SmartGuard (See Product Tabs below.)
  • Uses standard tubes
  • 2grip - smooth sidewalls that are hand friendly.
  • Black’n’Roll - The first black tires that leave no skid-marks on indoor floors, made possible by the revolutionary Black’n’Roll compound, developed in SCHWALBE’s labs.
  • Priced per pair

Exclusive Offer for Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tires

  • Save 31% on each Purchase of Schwalbe Marathon Plus Evolution Wheelchair Tires
  • Excellent Customer Care Support
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Optional Tubes
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1 each Schrader Valve (type #1)( +$6.99)
2 each Schrader Valve (type #1)( +$13.98)
1 each Presta Valve (type #2) ( +$6.99)
2 each Presta Valve (type #2) ( +$13.98)
Optional Tire Tools - Click "Learn More" for pictures >>
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(image #1) Pedro's Tire Lever #1014( +$13.25)
(image #2) Tire Bead Jack #1008( +$10.50)
(image #4) Tire Change Levers (Set of 3) #1011( +$4.75)
(not pictured) Pedro Tire Change Levers (pair) #1023( +$5.50)
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Wheelchair Tube 24" x 1" (20/23/25-540) Schrader Valve
Wheelchair Tube 25" x 1" (20/23/25-559) Schrader Valve
Spinergy LX / SLX Wheelchair Spokes
Spinergy Spox Wheelchair Spokes
Bard Dispoz-a-Bag w/Flip-Flo Valve, Sterile Leg Straps, & Ext. Tubing
Magic Bullets Suppositories - Box of 100
Surgilube Lubricant 4.25 oz tube
Average customer rating:
(50 reviews)  

5 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
These tires are great. I think they're rated for 145psi; I run mine at around 130 and I went up my uphill driveway in the snow with no problem...in my chair.
And the ride on the high psi is smooth and effortless.
They don't loose air quickly like other tires.
I use Schwalbe tubes in these Schwalbe tires.
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Mr. Sherry Schulz
Dec 7, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
These are great tires and they wear real well. The only drawback is they are so hard to get on the rims!! I had to take it to my bike shop to do it.

Advantages: Wear very well and last long.

Disadvantages: Difficult to put on the rim.
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Jun 15, 2015
These are the best tires I have used on my Quickie wheelchair. They are easy to grip, don't leave black marks on hardwood floors, and they are truly flat free. I can wheel over sharp gravel and not get a flat.

Advantages: Truly flat free, lightweight, easy to install.

Disadvantages: None.
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Rob Lorimer
Oct 14, 2014
I've used these tires exclusively for the last 6 years or so. I think I've had 1 flat. I'll never use anything but these tires. The tread is sticky and they are non-marking on carpet. Absolutely love them. They are WELL worth the money.

Advantages: Sticky.
Puncture resistant.
All Black.
They make you cooler.
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M Walsh
May 5, 2017
This customer purchased the item at our site.
I have been using the schwalbe marathon plus evolution 25" for about 3 years. They have been great. I usually by a new pair a year.

Advantages: Take high pressure for less friction when pushing.

Disadvantages: Not a lot of thread if pushing outside on natural surfaces.
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Level 6 | SmartGuard

Most effective protection belt available for bicycle tires. A substantial, 5 mm thick layer of flexible, special india rubber offers durable protection. Works also for objects that lodge in the tread. Even a thumbtack won't harm it.


Level 5 | V-Guard

An extremely cut-resistant hightech fiber makes it possible to ensure even on very light tires an extraordinary high level of puncture resistance. In combination with SnakeSkin sidewall protection, we call it Double Defense Technology


Level 5 | PunctureGuard

The same safety, but affordable PunctureGuard is not as highly elastic.


Level 5 | GreenGuard

Same principle as the SmartGuard, but only about 3 mm thick. One-third of the highly elastic India rubber is made up of recycled latex products.


Level 4 | RaceGuard

Double layer of Nylon fabric. Good protection for light, sporty tires.


Level 3 | K-Guard

Our minimum standard for protection belts. This Guard has been proven for many years. It consists of natural rubber and is reinforced with KEVLAR® fibres. Together with the 50 EPI carcass all Active Line tires are well protected against punctures. KEVLAR® is a trademark of DuPont.

Puncture Protection Levels
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