Home :: Wound Care Products :: Surgical Wound Care Tape :: Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape (2" wide)

Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape (2" wide)

Price isn't all that matters when you are considering buying Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape (2" wide), excellent customer service is priceless!


The best place to find Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape at a great price is Sportaid. Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape is transparent, water-resistant, and perforated to allow easy bi-directional tear. You can use hypoallergenic and latex free Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape to secure tubing, dressings and devices. Transpore Clear Plastic Perforated Tape is sold in 2" single rolls of 10 yards or in a box of 6 rolls.

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